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Kent And Medway Manufacturing Focus Group (KMFG)


12:00 pm - 2:00 pm


Salomons Estate
Broomhill Road
Tunbridge Wells



Event Website/Booking Link

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Kent & Medway Manufacturing Focus Group (KMFG) is a networking and business group for Manufacturing & Engineering organisations across Kent and Medway offering a unique access to peers and colleagues, sector specific information, advice and support.

The group meets every last Wednesday of the month, either in person or online, see our website for details of future events

KMFG is open to all organisations operating or directly supporting the Manufacturing and Engineering sector in Kent & Medway, whether they are chamber members or not.

Lunch will be provided on arrival with tea and coffee as well as the opportunity to network with other local business representatives before our keynote speakers.

Join us for our January in-person KMFG at the Salomons Estate in Tunbridge Wells.

KMFG will empower the Manufacturing & Engineering sector to collaboratively shape key agendas that drive business growth and success.

Guest Speaker

Kerri-Anne Mruk – Regional Director, South – Make UK

Kerri-Anne Mruk is a dynamic advocate for the manufacturing sector, serving as the Regional Director for Make UK, the leading voice for the manufacturing industry in the UK. With a keen ear attuned to both regional and national government, she champions the interests of manufacturers across the South East, London, and the South West of England.

In her pivotal role at Make UK, Kerri-Anne is dedicated to supporting and advancing the commercial, business, and economic interests of its members. She actively represents their views by engaging with a diverse range of stakeholders, including media outlets, Local Enterprise Partnerships, Combined Authorities, sector-specific trade associations, industrial cluster networks, and educational providers. Her efforts foster continuous collaboration to address the challenges faced by UK manufacturers, providing innovative solutions that drive the industry forward.

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